FBI Tracking Fingerprints of Unvaccinated Teachers; New CDC Codes to Track the Unvaxxed | Facts Matter

The FBI has been using fingerprints to track unvaccinated school teachers. According to a new lawsuit, the fingerprints of unvaccinated public school teachers were tagged by the New York City government and were flagged by the Department of Justice as well as the FBI.
Due to this, these teachers who refused to take the shot were not only fired, but were also flagged by the city government with what’s known as a “problem code,” which then gets passed to the FBI automatically, and ultimately stays on their file. This flagged status on their file will ultimately impact their ability to get another job in the future. And because all New York City Department of Education employees are fingerprinted at the beginning of their careers, their file will now contain both the flag, as well as a copy of the fingerprints….

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