Virginia Bill Making It Easier to Declare Curfew Heads to Gov. Youngkin

Legislation allowing chief law enforcement officers in Virginia’s cities to set temporary curfews for imminent civil unrest or riots is on its way to the governor’s desk.
The Virginia House of Delegates passed legislation SB 1455 on Feb. 22. The measure empowers local law enforcement chiefs to impose curfews for up to 24 hours if there is “an imminent threat of any civil commotion or disturbance in the nature of a riot which constitutes a clear and present danger.”
“This streamlines and actually speeds up the process of placing a curfew when there’s civil disobedience. currently, to empower the chief law enforcement officer, if he’s located in the city, actually requires the governing body to get together and hold a special meeting which can slow things down when there are problems in the community,” said Delegate Keith Hodges during the Feb. 22 House vote….

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