How Elites Use ‘Nudge Units’ to Manipulate the Masses

Many readers are no doubt familiar with nudge theory, a concept built around achieving compliance without using coercion. Ostensibly, nudges are designed to help people make better decisions. However, when governments resort to nudging, we must ask, who benefits? Is this nudge actually a push? And in what direction, exactly, are we being pushed? From the United States to the UK, powerful governments are actively manipulating the masses through nudge-based initiatives.
In 2017, in recognition of his contributions to the field of behavioral economics, Richard Thaler was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Along with Cass Sunstein, the distinguished American economist is best known for bringing nudge theory to prominence. The duo’s 2008 book, “Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness,” received rave reviews. Although the book is a fantastic read, it’s important to note that nudging is closely associated with “libertarian paternalism,” the rather naïve idea that it’s entirely possible (and legitimate) for major institutions, including branches of government, to influence our behavior while also respecting our human agency….

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