Thoughts About the ‘Rage Against the War Machine’ Rally

The Rage Against the War Machine (RATWM) rally in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 19 was, if nothing else, a case of politics making for strange bedfellows. It was organized by the emphatically pro-big-and-all-powerful-government People’s Party and the emphatically shrink-or-abolish-government Libertarian Party. The shock waves of this strange collaboration continue to reverberate. The leftists over at the World Socialist Web Site, for example, are still spluttering apoplectically about their side stooping to cooperation with anti-socialists.
The United States has had its fair share of antiwar rallies and protests over the years. Those events fall into one of two categories: those that are antiwar in principle, and those that are simply anti-U.S. participation in war. In the case of the latter, one questions where their loyalties lie….

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