Battle Between Religious Freedom and Post-Modern Moral Relativism

Tolerance in the classical understanding was based on the belief that competing religious views—even those considered to be false and absurd—should be endured as the free expression and debate of contesting ideas were central to the pursuit of truth.
By contrast, contemporary assumptions based on postmodern theory hold that truth is relative and that truth claims are instruments of power and control.
This may help us understand the present legal efforts to circumscribe religious freedom and associated freedoms of thought and expression to achieve political objectives such as diversity and tolerance.
The Cambridge Dictionary defines tolerance as a “willingness to accept behaviour and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree or approve them.” This indicates that truth may be known, although the best way to find it is by embracing an attitude of dialogue and open-mindedness, freedom of speech being a mechanism by which falsehoods can be eliminated….

By admin

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