North Korean Defector Yeonmi Park: Is America on the Road to Ruin?

“The tactics that are being used in America right now to control people are the same tactics the North Korean regime used to control us and enslave us eventually,” says North Korean defector Yeonmi Park.
She’s the author of the new book, “While Time Remains: A North Korean Girl’s Search for Freedom in America.”
“This is our moment of cultural revolution in America,” Park says. “Once the American system goes down, then what do we have left? … The way of China … the way of North Korea.”
In George Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” “when the young animals were born, they [didn’t] even know life before the revolution. Like when I was born in North Korea, I did not even know that I was oppressed. I did not know that life could be different … Easily, with a few generations, that’s possible,” Park says….

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