‘Censorship-Industrial Complex’ Exposed By ‘Twitter Files,’ Journalist Testifies

Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified on the “Twitter Files” to the House’s Weaponization of Government subcommittee March 9, days after Republicans on the committee released a report claiming the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has harrassed Elon Musk over the reporting.
Subcommittee Ranking Member Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.) asserted Taibbi and Shellenberger “pose a direct threat to people who oppose them.”
To substantiate this, she played a recording of former Twitter trust and safety head Yoel Roth at a previous House hearing, in which he described harassment he said he’d received in connection with the “Twitter Files.”
Subcommittee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) pushed back against that language from his counterpart….

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