‘After the Word Illegal, Nothing Else Matters,’ Says Critic of Oklahoma Bill to Give Illegal Immigrants Driver’s Licenses

Illegal immigrants may soon be able to get an Oklahoma driver’s license. Supporters of SB669, including Gov. Kevin Stitt, say it would reduce certain types of crime, raise $2.5 million in state revenue, and reduce auto insurance premiums.
Detractors say the proposed law is a stepping stone to granting illegals the right to vote.
“Giving Illegal aliens a driver’s license is beyond absurd,” Don Spencer, president of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association, told The Epoch Times.
SB 669 has been voted out of committee and is now ready to go before the Oklahoma Senate. The bill, authored by Oklahoma City immigration attorney and Democratic State Sen. Michael Brooks-Jimenez, changes state law to allow illegal immigrants to obtain a driver’s license….

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