Argentina’s GMO Wheat Approved in Indonesia for Human Consumption

Argentinian biotech firm Bioceres Crop Solution Corp. said on Thursday that its genetically modified (GMO) wheat called HB4, designed to withstand drought, had been approved for human consumption in Indonesia.
Indonesia, the largest importer of wheat globally, is expected to import about 11 million tons during the 2022/2023 harvesting season, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Bioceres said that Indonesia authorized the use of HB4 wheat for consumption, expanding its use beyond animal feed. The decision came after Brazil’s government approved the cultivation and commercialization of H4 wheat on March 3.
Brazil is the second country after Argentina to approve HB4 wheat for cultivation. Other countries, including the United States, Colombia, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and Nigeria, have also approved it….

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