Millions of Tiny, Suspicious Political Donations Questioned by Watchdog Group

An 80-year-old Midwestern woman from an affluent suburban area made nearly 9,000 small donations totaling more than $330,000 to political causes and candidates in four years, according to federal election records.
She says she didn’t.
“That would not slip by me,” she told The Epoch Times. “If I was losing money, I’d know it. It wasn’t my money.”
“I am a frequent and generous giver. I estimate I contribute about 50 times per year. I know every penny I donate.”
More than 100 people gathered outside the office building of Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich in Phoenix in support of election integrity on Dec. 17, 2021. (Allan Stein/The Epoch Times)
The woman was also surprised to learn that Federal Election Commission reports showed small donations appearing in her name after she stopped giving….

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