Wisconsin Is the Most Important Race in the Country in 2023

Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus tweeted seemingly out of nowhere last week about the Wisconsin State Supreme Court race coming up next month. In her breezy post, she listed fair maps, abortion rights, and control of Congress as the key reasons to get involved. For added measure, she embedded a cheerful video of herself in the tweet encouraging people to get involved, with the promise that she would “lift them up” on social media if they did so.
She followed that by retweeting Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Ben Wikler’s dire warning about the race:
“RED ALERT: A MAGA PAC just reserved $3.2 million in TV ads for the April 4 Wisconsin Supreme Court race. For the next two weeks, GOP groups are outspending Dem groups on TV. This could spell disaster for 2024. Read on, retweet, and help fight back.”…

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