AI Will Massively Affect White Collar Jobs: Study

Many white-collar jobs can be done much more efficiently with the help of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT, according to a recent research paper. While the AI can help at least a little bit with most jobs, the impact would tend to be greater on higher-paid jobs that require higher education, the paper says.
“Our findings confirm the hypothesis that these technologies can have pervasive impacts across a wide swath of occupations in the US,” the authors said in their conclusion (pdf).
Two of the authors work for OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT.
The researchers looked at individual tasks associated with each job and marked “affected” tasks—those that could be completed at least twice as fast using a “Generative Pre-trained Transformer” such as the language processing AI ChatGPT. They gauged separately which tasks would be affected by a general-purpose GPT on its own and which would be affected by specialized GPT-based software….

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