Economists Expect US Recession, Inflation Above Fed Target This Year

Economists predict that the United States will likely enter a recession by the end of this year, with high inflation extending well into 2024, according to a recent semiannual survey.
The March 2023 National Association for Business Economics (NABE) Economic Policy Survey published the responses of 217 members of the organization in a March 27 report.
The semiannual survey was administered between March 2 and March 10.
“More than half of NABE Policy Survey panelists expect a recession at some point in 2023,” said NABE President Julia Coronado, who is the president and founder of Macro Policy Perspectives LLC.
“However, only 5 percent believe the U.S. is currently in a recession, far fewer than the 19 percent who held this view in the August Policy Survey,” Coronado said….

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