Business Owner Waves White Flag After Battering From Inflation, High Energy Prices, Globalisation

On the same day Australia’s top leaders were busy revealing details of the impending “Voice” referendum—garnering national media attention—business owner Arif Memis was scrambling to hold the fort around his embattled Cowch Dessert Cocktail Bar.
Bruised and battered by a series of crises—some natural, some government-made—Memis has been forced to hand over the keys to the business he started in 2014 to administrators.
“Long story short, last year was pretty tough and this year hasn’t been easy either,” he told The Epoch Times.
Memis had gradually built up Cowch’s shop network from one to four, before opening a major production facility in Morningside, Brisbane in 2021. The business had over 100 staff and was turning over $7 million per year….

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