Homeless Phoenix Residents Await City’s Action Displacing Them From ‘The Zone’

PHOENIX, Ariz.—Shelby Ord of Phoenix, Arizona, has big plans for himself at 18.
First, he plans to get his high-school equivalency diploma, a good job, an apartment, and “maybe a cat, of course.” Then go to college and major in chemistry or teaching.
All attainable and worthwhile goals were seemingly out of reach on April 3 as Ord, wrapped in a dirty blanket, strolled down the sidewalk in the homeless encampment known as “the Zone” near Phoenix’s capital district.
“I sleep over there,” said Ord, pointing to a tent sandwiched in between other tents and piles of debris. “I pretty much do my thing. I’m a good kid. I don’t smoke or do alcohol or drugs.”…

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