RFK, Jr. Has a Bead on the Public-Private Partnership

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has officially filed with the Federal Election Commission as a candidate for president. Yes, he will run for president as a Democrat, challenging Joe Biden in the primaries. Does he have any chance? A quick quip: he has as much chance as Trump had in 2015, back when all the smart people and money knew for sure that the nomination would go to Jeb Bush.
So when you see the dismissals and chortling from mainstream media, keep that in mind.
Still, one suspects that disrupting the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will be a more difficult nut to crack than the GOP. This is because the DNC has mutated into the political party of the administrative state. That in turn now works closely with Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and military contractors too. It’s become a sponge for every interest group that lives off government intervention. It’s a powerful oligarchy….

By admin

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