Washington State Legislature Passes Ban on ‘Assault Weapons’ as Governor Signals Support

Lawmakers in Washington state have approved a ban on so-called assault weapons. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said he supports the legislation.
State senators passed the ban in a 27-21 vote on April 8, about a month after the state’s House of Representatives advanced the measure in a 55–42 vote.
“These weapons of war have no place in our schools, places of worship, our streets or in our communities. Banning assault weapons marks a victory for common sense and will help us move toward a safer future for Washingtonians,” state Sen. Patty Kuderer, a Democrat, said in a statement.
House Bill 1240, the measure, would prohibit “the manufacture, importation, distribution, selling, and offering for sale of assault weapons.” Exceptions include selling “assault weapons” to law enforcement agencies….

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