Tennessee Governor Proposes Law That Would Restrict Gun Ownership

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee on April 11 floated a law that would restrict gun ownership as he signed an order that would strengthen background checks for gun purchases.
“It is important that we find a way to remove individuals who are a threat to themselves or to our society, to remove them from access to weapons,” Lee said during a briefing. “I’m asking the Legislature to bring forth thoughtful practical measures to do that, to strengthen our laws to separate those dangerous people from firearms, while at the same time preserving the constitutional rights of the people of this state.”
The Republican was speaking about a week after the Tennessee House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a bill that would require all schools in the state to create safety plans and keep all doors with outside access locked except for a main door. Lee has also unveiled a large budget hike to ramp up school security, including by placing an armed officer in all public schools….

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