John Robson: On Chinese Election Interference Crisis, Liberals Should Self-Reflect Instead of Deflect

The long-awaited testimony from Justin Trudeau’s chief of staff Katie Telford on Chinese electoral interference finally came April 14. And predictably wasn’t worth waiting for since we got the usual Canadian jedi mind trick where we feeble citizens don’t need to see that information. But while it might seem odd that Liberal MPs staged a long filibuster to try to avoid her telling a parliamentary committee nothing, it’s actually an interesting case study in crisis management… in the spirit of Eugene Znosko-Borovsky’s 1949 classic “How Not To Play Chess.”
I’ve been observing Canadian public life for a surprisingly long time now. And while my youthful foray into politics went about as well as you’d expect, I’m still amazed at how people more “pragmatic” than myself prove staggeringly inept at practical things….

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