Farmers and Ranchers Face Business Closures as Tax Cuts Expire, Committee Members Hear

Witness testimony before the House Small Business Committee projected the closure of more farms and ranches if the 2017 tax cuts expire in the coming months.
Russell Boeing, the president of the Texas Farm Bureau, was questioned by Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-Texas) during an April 18 hearing entitled “Paying Their Fair Share: How Tax Hikes Crush the Competitiveness of Small Businesses.”
Hunt began his comments by saying it was the government’s job to “get out of your way as much as possible” when it deals with small business owners.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) building in Washington, on April 15, 2019. (Zach Gibson/Getty Images)
“It’s my opinion that the federal government should be taxing you as little as possible. Because we are the people. This is our money….

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