America’s 10 Deadliest National Parks Revealed

Every year, millions of people visit national parks scattered throughout the country, but these parks come with certain dangers. Data from the National Park Service reveal that 2,459 visitors died in national parks between 2014 to 2021.
During that period, most of the causes of death were natural or medical-related (430), followed by motor vehicle crashes (407). There were considered 382 deaths with “undetermined” causes, followed by drowning (370).
Other causes of death included falls (203), environmental (91), transportation (59), and homicide (26). Deaths caused by wildlife or animals were the rarest, with just 4 reported during that period.
Here are the top 10 national parks that reported the most fatalities.
1. Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Death count 2014–2021: 153…

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