IN-DEPTH: Florida Set to Approve Bill Targeting Vaccines, Masks, and Mandates—Some Activists Say It’s Not Enough

The Florida Legislature is poised to pass a medical freedom bill vastly expanding Floridians’ protections against what Gov. Ron DeSantis has called “medical authoritarianism.”
But even as that’s happening, some of the medical freedom movement’s leaders in the state are denouncing the bill as a sellout and a sham.
They decry the substitution of another bill for one that they had a hand in crafting. They say the replacement bill that’s moving toward passage greatly reduces the protections they sought and applies mostly to a nearly finished COVID-19 crisis.
DeSantis’s office, meanwhile, touts the new bill as a powerful one that gives Floridians protections from being forced to take vaccines or wear masks in pandemics of the future. And it gives a special eye to the use of experimental or mRNA vaccines like those used against COVID-19….

By admin

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