PREMIERING 5/2 at 7:30PM ET: ‘One of the Worst Medical Scandals That the World Has Ever Seen’: Brandon Showalter and Jeff Myers on ‘Exposing the Gender Lie’
“People stand to profit handsomely from this experimental medicalization—puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, body-altering surgeries … all in pursuit of a lie,” says Brandon Showalter.
Showalter and Jeff Myers are co-authors of “Exposing the Gender Lie: How to Protect Children and Teens From the Transgender Industry’s False Ideology.”
“It’s an ideology that came out of the postmodern movement from the 1980s that is attempting to gain power by confusing people about the nature of reality. And then there’s an industry, medically, that comes along and … they stand to make tens of billions of dollars,” says Myers.
The NIH is funding a study on cross-sex hormones for children as young as 8 years old, according to a document released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by Dr. Michael Laidlaw….