A New Number in Communist Chinese Numerology?

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is steeped in numerology as it seeks to convey legitimacy by merging traditional Chinese lucky numbers with crackpot communist policies imposed on the unsuspecting Chinese people.
The communists seek to capitalize on the Chinese belief that lucky numbers are associated with good fortune, thus emphasizing certain numbers in promulgating policies.
The CCP is particularly partial to the number three for cultural and superstitious reasons. For example, the number three represents Buddha and stands for Heaven, Earth, and human being, and great respect and reverence are given to three historical Chinese kingdoms. The CCP’s reverence for the number three—and the multiples it represents—is reflected in Mao Zedong’s Three Rules of the People’s Liberation Army discipline, the development and use of the Three Warfares in confronting the United States, and the three U.S.-China communiqués that have been slowly strangling Taiwan since the first of those communiqués was agreed to in Shanghai in 1972 (the so-called Shanghai Communiqué)….

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