JPMorgan Buys First Republic, After Regulators Seize Beleaguered Bank

First Republic Bank has been seized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which announced on Monday morning that the beleaguered bank is being bought by JPMorgan Chase.
California financial regulators on Monday ordered First Republic Bank closed, with the FDIC appointed as receiver.
“To protect depositors, the FDIC is entering into a purchase and assumption agreement with JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Columbus, Ohio, to assume all of the deposits and substantially all of the assets of First Republic Bank,” the FDIC said in a May 1 statement.
The purchase and assumption agreement will see the FDIC contribute an estimated $13 billion from its deposit insurance fund to sweeten the deal, which was hammered out late Sunday and early Monday after several banks submitted last minute bids….

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