Marine Corps to Close Historically Female Training Unit as Military Continues Integration

The U.S. Marine Corps is set to officially disband its historically all-female recruit training unit and join the rest of the U.S. military branches that have already been training male and female recruits together.
On Wednesday, the Marines announced the deactivation date for its 4th Recruit Training Battalion—a training unit at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina, that once trained female recruits exclusively. The 4th Recruit Training Battalion will officially disband during a deactivation ceremony at Parris Island on June 15.
“We will bid farewell to 4th Battalion in a deactivation ceremony that concludes her glorious tenure, closing the final chapter of integrating recruit training,” said Brig. Gen. Walker M. Field, Commanding General of MCRD Parris Island and the Eastern Recruiting Region. “We are forever grateful to the drill instructors, staff, and legions of Marines who so proudly call 4th Battalion home.”…

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