IN-DEPTH: UK Intel, FBI Line Agents Scoffed at Trump-Russia Investigation Since Beginning, Notes Durham Report

Several FBI agents and United Kingdom intelligence officers were dumbfounded by the decision by FBI higher-ups to launch an investigation of Trump campaign aides for supposed collusion with Russia in 2016.
Early on, UK intelligence officers pointed out that the reason for opening the probe was flimsy and that its continuation would be fruitless. Later on, UK intelligence refused FBI requests for assistance, according to the recently issued final report by Special Counsel John Durham.
The report (pdf) describes candid conversations between FBI agents involved in the investigation as well as the UK agents kept abreast on it.
“Dude, are we telling them [UK intelligence] everything we know, or is there more to this?” asked the FBI agent then-assigned to the U.S. embassy in London in August 2016, shortly after the probe was opened, in an internal message….

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