[Premiering 5/16, 2PM ET] mRNA Vaccine Injury Victims Get Denied Compensation by US Officials, Despite Diagnoses | Facts Matter

Last month, for the first time ever, 3 people received compensation from the US government for the injuries that they sustained from the Covid-19 vaccine.
However, at the moment, there are still over 7,700 people still awaiting a decision regarding their compensation cases.
To this day, 362 applications have been flatly denied.
However, what appears to be happening, is that government officials are superseding the medical opinions of actual doctors in order to deny compensation to the vast majority of applicants.
In fact, according to government documents that we here at the Epoch Times were able to review, it turns out that U.S. bureaucrats within this compensation program have been rejecting these people’s vaccine injury applications, despite the fact that medical doctors have diagnosed these people with having vaccine injuries….

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