[PREMIERING 5/18, 2PM ET] 300 Percent Risk of Major Eye Problem After mRNA Vaccine: Study | Facts Matter

According to a new study that was published in the Nature medical journal, it turns out that people who received the mRNA-based Covid vaccines have an increased risk of a serious eye problem.
Specifically, the Taiwanese researchers behind this paper found that the risk of Retinal Vascular Occlusion (RVO) increased significantly after a person received a covid vaccine.
For your reference, RVO occurs when a blood clot blocks the blood vessels which carry blood to and from the retina. This lack of blood flow can, among other things, cause sudden vision loss. And, for a while now, it’s been known that RVO is more likely to occur in people with things like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or other related health problems that affect the normal flow of blood….

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