Pakistan on the Brink of Collapse, CCP to Benefit

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is biding its time as Pakistan, already facing economic collapse, is now in the throes of widespread protests and political violence.
Pakistan is reeling from a combination of natural disasters, hunger, economic crisis, and political turmoil in the wake of the military-led arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. Terrorism has skyrocketed in Pakistan over the past year, with terrorism-related deaths up 120 percent year on year. Severe flooding affected 33 million people and did $40 billion in damage, worsening the country’s already poor economic situation. Exports have been trending downward since last summer, as have remittances from Pakistanis abroad, creating a shortage of foreign currency inflows. The Pakistani rupee, which stood at about 154 to the dollar a year ago, has fallen to 300 to the dollar….

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