The G-7 Kowtow Communique to Communist China

Last week, as Chinese warships completed a coercive circumnavigation of Japan’s main islands, G-7 leaders met to forge a unified response to communist China’s ever-increasing economic and military aggression. The result—a weak communique without bite or teeth—was hardly Churchillian.
Following the G-7’s kowtow, the Chinese Communist Party’s economic and military aggression will continue undeterred. The CCP will use its vast arsenal of mercantilist weapons to conquer world markets while it executes the most rapid military buildup of a fascist state since the Third Reich.
Nor will the CCP stop arming the Russians, nuclearizing Iran, or using its debt trap diplomacy and the Trojan horse of a Belt and Road Initiative to acquire strategic naval ports around the world. The CCP will also maintain its vast concentration camp network and its live organ harvesting from Falun Gong prisoners, while the cultural genocide against Tibet and smashing of Christian churches will not abate….

By admin

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