Why We Need Local Fiscal News Coverage

I am fully aware that probably some 8 out of 10 people do not appreciate media pieces that are heavily focused on numbers. When I practiced as a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Financial Planner, I realized that most people need professional assistance for many of their fiscal decisions.
Watching personal finances is critical. But, our focus should also be on the financial well-being of our homeowner’s association, city, state, and nation, as it has an impact on our budgets. Do we know how they are doing? Since you rarely receive financial statements, somebody should be informing the public.
What’s happening to the balance sheets and income statements of your municipalities will impact you in some form or fashion. Are they exercising proper fiscal stewardship? Or have they been manipulated into stretching tax dollars too thinly, thus reducing law enforcement staffing or other critical services?…

By admin

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