G-7 and China

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is angry at the G-7 statement, while Taiwan is happy, and Russia and China are moving closer together.
The G-7 meeting, which ended on May 21, concluded with a joint statement saying that the group condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It also stressed the importance of “peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,” an apparent reference to China. The statement cited Chinese incursions in the East and South China seas, calling for a peaceful resolution. Short of condemnation or confrontation, the group stressed its desire to “de-risk” but not decouple from China.
This mitigating language suggests that the G-7 is recognizing the threat from the Chinese regime but is still softening its words, trying to avoid an outright confrontation. The desire to preserve economic relations prevents the group from taking more drastic actions. The G-7 joint statement referenced China’s non-market behavior and economic coercion but still prioritized the importance of continued cooperation with China….

By admin

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