The G-7 Is a Burr in Xi Jinping’s Saddle

The communist Chinese pour cold water on the actions and pronouncements of any international body that excludes China from participation.
This is particularly true of intergovernmental organizations that can greatly affect the world economy, as the so-called Group of Seven is meant to do under the leadership of the United States. Since Xi Jinping openly aspires to world leadership, Beijing is highly critical of such groups unless China directly participates—and influences—the outcomes of the various meetings.
Since China is not a G-7 member, Chinese diplomats and state-run media openly convey their disdain for the recently completed G-7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan. And Beijing is apoplectic about Japan’s references to the “China threat” during the conference, as well as the crescendo of Japan’s actions lately to respond to that threat….

By admin

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