IN-DEPTH: Texas Physician Continues to Face Repercussions for Not Complying With Discredited Mask Mandates
A Texas physician continues to face repercussions for not complying with the now widely discredited mask mandate issued during the pandemic.
The Texas Medical Board (TMI) charged Dr. Eric Hensen with “unprofessional or dishonorable conduct that is likely to deceive or defraud the public” based on a patient complaint that he wasn’t wearing a mask while treating a patient in 2020.
“Being an experienced ear nose and throat, head and neck surgeon with extensive knowledge and training in the upper airway, I was well aware of the limitations of wearing a facial covering of any kind and aware of the dangers of wearing these face coverings,” Henson told The Epoch Times. “I have relied on my experience in my field along with roughly 100 years of random controlled trials proving that masks or any sort of facial covering are ineffective and are dangerous.”…