New Yorkers Demand Answers After Uncovering Hidden Anomalies in Voter Database

New York Citizens Audit (NYCA) has just made a huge leap from being a volunteer organization advocating for election integrity, to having their findings validated in a peer-reviewed article published in the current edition of the Journal of Information Warfare (JIW).
“The Caesar Cipher and Stacking the Deck in New York State Voter Rolls” confirms the fact that “NYCA’s research has uncovered enough anomalies within New York’s voter rolls to warrant further investigation.”
Andrew Paquette is NYCA’s director of research and one of their 2,000 volunteers. He’s been documenting his journey through the voter database via his Substack account, where he regularly blogs under the pseudonym Art Zark. With the publication of his article in JIW, he’s reluctantly coming out from the shadow of anonymity to the not-so-friendly political spotlight….

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