Irvine Woman Accused of Taping Dogs’ Snouts Shut

IRVINE, Calif.—A 21-year-old Irvine woman accused of taping shut the snouts of her dogs to prevent them from barking posted bail and was released from jail May 31.
Gabriela Barrera was booked on suspicion of animal cruelty on Saturday, Irvine Police Department Sgt. Karie Davies said.
Police were called Saturday when a resident heard dogs whimpering on the patio of a home on Eastshore and then noticed that multiple canines had their snouts taped shut, Davies said.
When officers arrived they saw one dog on a patio with masking tape wrapped around its snout, Davies said.
Barrera arrived home then and told officers she taped the snouts shut to keep the pets from barking and nipping at other dogs, Davies said….

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