[PREMIERING 6/3, 7:30PM ET] How Humans Were Used as ‘Lab Rats’ in the COVID Pandemic: Dr. Ryan Cole on Fragmented mRNA, Spike Protein Messages, and the Vaccine ‘Ego’

“Here we are three years into this, with a virus that has evolved into something that for most people is a common cold, shots that are expired because the variants they cover are all extinct—I mean, it’s an absurdity that the shots are even on the market at all—and yet, we’re still seeing brilliant physicians and educators and scientists being attacked for simply calling out the truth.”
At the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) conference last month, I sat down with pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole to discuss autopsies and excess deaths rates allegedly related to the mRNA shot, and to dig into what has actually been found in the vials of these shots, as well as what studies are being done to differentiate between spike damage caused by the virus, versus the vaccine….

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