Michael Taube: The Bible Has Been Banned in a School District Located In… Utah?!

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t,” Mark Twain wrote in “Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World” (1897).

Here’s a recent example where fiction would have been more plausible to believe than the truth that actually unfolded.
A U.S. school district recently removed copies of the King James Version of the Bible in elementary and middle schools. Only those at a high school level will be allowed to carry them in libraries and classrooms.
Why did this happen?
A district review committee bizarrely determined the KJV Bible contained “vulgarity and violence.” While a spokesperson told Fox 13 in Salt Lake City that the Bible “does not contain sensitive material as defined by Utah Code,” it was still pulled from schools due to, as the TV network described it, “age appropriateness.”…

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