The Paper of Record Fronts for the Deep State

There was hardly time in the day but I simply could not pull myself away from the discussion between Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., yesterday on Twitter Spaces. I was there mid-afternoon with nearly 70 thousand others listening to a live conversation on every topic from foreign policy to economics to civil liberties to guns. It was engaging and super intelligent, which is rather the last thing one expected in politics.
It began with a surprising turn. RFK congratulated Elon for emancipating Twitter from government control and wondered what gave rise to his love for free speech. Elon was taken aback and took a while to realize that he was the one being interviewed! It was a nice and patrician-like turn because it established that RFK would not use this platform for the usual purposes but rather speak as a real but highly intelligent and warm human being with a passion for public affairs….

By admin

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