Supreme Court Affirms Right of Nursing Home Patient to Sue the State

Americans who depend on government programs like Medicaid and food stamps can sue to secure rights under laws that created those programs, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 8.
In a 7–2 decision, the high court upheld an appeals court ruling that green-lighted an Indiana man’s family to sue over his care at a state-run nursing home using a 150-year-old Reconstruction-era federal law known as Section 1983, which provides a cause of action for victims of civil rights violations by state or local government officials.
The Talevski Case
The dispute was brought in 2019 by the family of Gorgi Talevski, a dementia patient who was admitted in 2016 to a nursing home operated by the Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County (HHC) in Indiana….

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