Beijing’s Existential Vulnerability

The two facts about China most important to the interests of freedom in the world (one, if you will, the enemy to the other) are: 1) the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is succeeding in its stated goal to become the dominant power on the globe by midcentury; and 2) another Tiananmen Square massacre, the 34th anniversary of which was last week, is almost certainly not possible for the CCP to get away with in the age of social media.
There is no denying that Beijing must be stopped from taking the place of the United States and our allies in preeminent superpower status; the ripples of such a development would imperil liberty everywhere. But the fact that popular protest within China cannot be stamped out as bloodily as it once was presents an opportunity for the Chinese people, and for the private businesses in the West that owe so much to the Chinese workers whose labor has generated so much wealth for them….

By admin

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