[ATL:NOW] California’s Oppressive Policies Are Coming to a State Near You: Siyamak Khorrami

From crime to cost of living, education to energy policy, the golden state of California is becoming unlivable for middle-class residents. As a result, people are fleeing the state at alarming rates.
“We didn’t have this 10 years ago. We didn’t have the theft. We didn’t have the homelessness. We didn’t have all these problems,” says Siyamak Khorrami, host of The Epoch Times’ “California Insider” program and the creator of our new documentary, “Leaving California: The Untold Story.”
In the documentary, Khorrami interviews business owners who have shut down or are on the verge of closing because of theft, taxes, and bureaucratic regulations that are making it increasingly difficult to turn a profit….

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