Texas Power Grid Warning: Demand Will Rise Considerably Amid Soaring Temperatures

The Texas state power grid is anticipating higher demand due to rising temperatures, with the state predicted to see “dangerous heat” this weekend.
“ERCOT has issued a Weather Watch June 15-21 due to forecasted higher temperatures and anticipated higher electrical demand,” the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the state’s power grid operator, said in a June 14 post on Twitter. The operator’s grid conditions remained “Normal” as of 01:00 p.m. EDT, with operating reserves at 6,094 MW. ERCOT manages the flow of electric power to over 26 million customers in Texas, representing roughly 90 percent of the state’s electric load.
The National Weather Service (NWS) of Houston/Galveston has issued a heat warning for Sunday, with many places expected to see temperatures of 100 degrees or more….

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