Porcfest Is the Event That Cannot Be Canceled

In the spring of 2020, when most of the country was going utterly bonkers about the invisible enemy, acting as if a virus had never before vexed a living person so the only thing to do is destroy the social order, most everything shut down.
One event that did not was Porcfest, the annual gathering of thousands in the black mountains of New Hampshire. It went on anyway, much to the shock and horror of the local and national media.
But the people who run this event, an extension of the Free State Project, are rather used to this kind of nonsense. They have been attacked in the media for the better part of 20 years. The line is always the same. This is a movement that is seeking to disrupt the politics of the state with a focus on the liberty of individuals, meaning low taxes, 2nd Amendment rights, personal freedoms, and privacy….

By admin

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