The One UN Representative Fighting for Women’s Rights

We’re constantly told that trans women pose no threat to biological women—this is simply not true. Women’s rights activists are regularly targeted and physically assaulted by aggressive trans activists. This fact isn’t lost on Reem Alsalem, a humanitarian who was appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls back in 2021.
As I reported last month, Alsalem recently released a strongly worded statement (pdf) condemning the many ways in which members of the trans community continue to intimidate biological women.
Alsalem’s decision to release such a statement was a brave one. She has been targeted by trans activists in the past. Moreover, her current employer, the United Nations, is big on political correctness. When it comes to championing trans-friendly issues and trans-friendly jargon, the intergovernmental organization is only too happy to oblige. The UN regularly releases statements lamenting the scourge of transphobia, and what steps must be taken to make the world a more trans-inclusive place. Today, it seems, all we talk about are the rights of trans people. But what about the rights of all the other 7+ billion people who don’t identify as trans? What about the rights of biological women, for example?…

By admin

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