Moments of Movie Wisdom: The Clothes Make the Man

Some movies are very inspiring and uplifting, obviously full of good messages. We expect Frank Capra movies to teach valuable moral lessons. However, many less serious movies can contain inspiring scenes. Even comedies may include one or two moments of movie wisdom which can be applied to our lives today.
Today’s moment of movie wisdom comes from “Swing Time” from 1936, a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musical which was the sixth of the dancing duo’s ten films together. The scene takes place 15 minutes into the 103-minute film, when the lead characters first meet. Penny Carroll (Rogers) tells a policeman that Lucky Garnette (Astaire) stole her quarter, but the officer refuses to believe it, because he is wearing a classy and expensive-looking cutaway coat. This unlikely beginning of a romance for the pair shows how the clothes truly do make the man….

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