John Robson: Celebrate Dominion (Canada) Day With Gratitude and Drop the Anti-Canadian Propaganda

Happy Dominion Day, from the river to the ends of the Earth. It’s a bit archaic. But it sure beats Canada Day, where they smash statues of Sir John A. Macdonald and lower flags to half-mast because hundreds of bodies weren’t found, but if you say so they want to put you in jail.
Not that I’m bitter. But I am bewildered at the accelerating pace with which the Canada I knew is being trashed by people who don’t even realize censorship is an old horror. And before being cancelled as a dinosaur bitter over loss of “privilege,” I emit a Mesozoic roar of protest that the things I valued about the Old Dominion made it attractive to the immigrants in whose name, to a significant degree, it is now being smashed up….

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