California Hires Recalled SF District Attorney to Train Law Students in Criminal Justice

California leaders continue to charge ahead in implementing a radical “progressive” (a.k.a. socialist) agenda even when it goes directly against the will of the people. For instance, California voters have twice voted to ban the use of affirmative action in hiring and school admissions. But the state’s leaders continue to implement gender and racial “equity” through a myriad of laws, programs, and policies. The state’s universities even banned the use of objective measures of merit like SAT scores in order to allow them to implement more “equitable” standards for admissions.
The latest example is the hiring of ousted San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin by the state’s most prestigious public law school, University of California–Berkeley. Boudin’s hiring came less than one year after the people of San Francisco voted to recall him from his position by an over ten-point margin. Some defended the controversial hire, noting that law students must be open to hearing all views. But, speaking from experience, when you are 22 years old and learning criminal law for the first time, who teaches it and what is taught has a lasting impression. Most law students do not have a sufficient frame of reference to disagree with a law professor….

By admin

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