Hackers Claim Attack on Texas City Website, Citing State’s Ban on Transgender Procedures for Children

A group of hackers said it attacked a Texas city government website due to the state’s recently-enacted law on transgender procedures and said it is planning more attacks.
The group, SiegedSec, took to Telegram on June 23 around 4:00 p.m. to post what it says are about roughly 500 thousand files leaked from the Texas Fort Worth government website—fortworthtexas.gov.
“We easily hijacked their administrator account,” the group said of the data leak. “The files leaked include: Work orders, employee lists, invoices, police reports, emails between employees/contractors, internal documents, camera footage, and lots, lots, lots more.
“The total size of this data leak is around 180GB,” it said. The Telegram post contained 10 links to the data leaked, each of which contained about 20GB of government files….

By admin

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